Climate First: Replacing Oil & Gas

”Your climate watchfrog on the Central Coast”



CFROG is dedicated to combating the climate crisis by working to shape the transition from fossil fuels to a carbon-free economy on California’s Central Coast.

We are committed to the establishment of an economy that is sustainable, inclusive and promotes renewable energy. We work at the local level to build awareness of how fossil fuels impact our communities, and engage area officials, government agencies and other like-minded organizations to eliminate those impacts.

CFROG serves as a watchdog organization dedicated to ensuring that oil and gas operations are properly reviewed, permitted, monitored and compliant.

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To propel positive change at the local level through advocacy, empowerment, and grassroots action, we seek to:

1. Engage in local climate issues.

Our staff and expert advisors engage deeply in the legislative process. We seek to positively influence climate policy, proposals, and planning, by conducting research to provide science-based recommendations and providing vocal support for legislation that will reduce environmental pollution and promote a clean energy future.

2. Hold decision-makers accountable.

When local political decisions send the Central Coast backwards towards dirty and dangerous energy practices, we’re here to sound the alarm bells. We provide support and information to local legislators so they can support laws and regulations that protect our air, land, and water. 

3. Empower community activists.

We mobilize the community and help new voices get heard in the decision-making process – paying special attention to the people and communities whose health and safety are often left unexamined by our local leadership. We train and mentor local climate leaders in effective, vocal environmental activism. We support community coalitions built around the biggest issue of our time – the fight against climate change.


When deciding whether to engage on an issue, we make sure it aligns with our organizational values:

1. Protect human health on the Central Coast.

Many communities get more than their fair share of environmental pollution from oil and gas activity, past and present. We seek to remedy the disproportionate impacts on communities of color and promote environmental justice.

2. Ensure industry accountability and oversight.

We envision a future where the energy industry is held accountable for the negative impacts of their operations, and local government oversight is stringent and well-thought-out. Our advocacy centers on projects and places where there has been inadequate oversight of oil industry activities.

3. Set a precedent outside the Central Coast.

While we focus on one small corner of the world, we also realize that the bold actions of one local government can set a precedent for other agencies – local, state, and even federal – to follow suit. We focus on victories that could create a ‘ripple effect’ and help other organizations advocate for the same changes in their communities.